Thursday, September 17, 2009

Don't count your jobs before they hatch

Pale three-quarter moon
Nimble deer on dew-wet grass
pungent blue wood smoke
insects wake and stretch their wings
I go to work and wish not
Life is what happened while I was making other plans.... I didn't get moved to the next interview stage for the non-profit I wanted, but in response to the other call I set up an interview with the another company. I have to say, I don't have as much heart for it as for the non-profit, but it would get me back home and I still can look around for another job when things open up in the market.
Karen reminds me to compare how satisfied I am now (very un-) in my current set of circumstances vs how bad could this other position actually be, even if it doesn't really excite me? I'd save all the cost of renting a room down here, all the costs of driving back and forth each week, and the 'incidentals' that help ease the stress of separation from my family and community. All that's going for the current job is habit & lack of presenting opportunity.
I already have generated some excitement for this additional prospect. The guy who called to set the interview told me up front that they really liked seeing the experience I can bring to their position, so -- as they say -- this job "is mine to lose" blowing the interview, really not liking the company, etc. I always go into interviews feeling that it's as much about me interviewing the company as it is of me being interviewed. So I'll be packing my list of probing questions to help me figure out what I want to do. I feel better about what this could be and how it would resolve so much of our current stressors.
One bug in my path
mile a day on sixty legs
Go, caterpillar!

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